There are some questions which are frequently asked when a child goes to school for the first time. The Q&A shall help parents support the integration of children in AMIS community and enjoy their journey at school.

Clothes for school

Students should wear school uniforms (summer uniform/ winter uniform) at school on Monday and Friday every week. Sport uniforms are worn on specific days of each week according to the class schedule. In order to ensure safety and prevent injuries, AMIS recommends that parents prepare a pair of sport shoes/ sneakers for our children to use while studying PE.

Babies often have sensitive skin. So choosing 100% cotton clothes to keep baby’s skin cool, sweat-dry is very important. Parents should pay attention when choosing to buy clothes for their children to help their children feel confident and beautiful without lacking comfort in movement.

Baby's backpack

“My backpack is my own property”. Children need to learn that they have full authority and at the same time take full responsibility for their property. Every night before going to bed, parents help your child to get his backpack and school shoes ready for the next day:

  • Two sets (or more) of seasonal school clothes
  • Diaper (if the baby still cannot control while sleeping)
  • Mask.

First day at school

For first-time children, they need to prepare well mentally, because it is the first time they leave their familiar environment – their first home to join a second home. Each child will have different expressions and feelings, so parents need to discuss with the homeroom teacher about the roadmap to help their child adapt to the new environment  before the child starts school.

On the first day of school, parents should feed the child breakfast at home and pick up the child early. This is very useful for the process of getting acquainted with the child in the environment.


After lunch, the children will play quiet games and listen to lullabies to get sleep. Before going to school, parents should help their children get the habit of getting enough sleep, going to bed on time and sleeping in peace. If your child is used to hugging a pillow or a stuffed animal, remind them to bring it to school.

Bus transportation

When you need to use the school bus, please notify the Office 7 days in advance. The Office will arrange the location, time and route for the school bus and notify parents.

The first month’s shuttle bus fee will be calculated according to the actual number of days of use. From the following months, the fee will be packed monthly.When you want to stop the shuttle bus service, please notify BQT before 7 days in advance. The school bus stops at destinations for a maximum of 3 minutes. If parents take their children late, they will be responsible for their child’s transportation.In case the family changes the person picking up the child, they must notify the teacher in charge of the bus route before 3pm.

Pick up and drop off time

The gathering time for children is from 7:30 am to 9:00 am. Breakfast is served from 8:00 am to 8:50 am. To limit the impact on children’s learning activities, parents should bring children before 9:00 am. After 5:30 pm, it is time to start calculating the late return child and the late return should be signed by parents.

Use medication at school

If you want to ask the teacher to give your child medication, please use the school form. A teacher will not give medication to a child without a well-informed family letter.

Communication between AMIS and parents

AMIS sympathizes with parents who cannot afford to grow up and be present at important milestones in their children’s lives. We who are fortunate to witness these events will try to record those priceless moments through photo and video diaries sent to parents via Littlelives app and facebook, youtube channel so that parents can always be companion with their children.

The information channels exchanged between AMIS and parents are Littlelives app, email, phone and facebook group of parents.

In case parents cannot contact the class because of some reasons such as: The teachers and their children are having an outdoor lesson; the teachers and their children are on the dining room; phone to ring in bedtime and school hours … please contact the office at each campus hotline to meet the office department to ask for help relaying information to the classroom.

Festival and events

Occasion like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, International Week… will be approached as a cultural festival that does not carry religion. Events such as summer concert, camping, sports competition… are also happily and cordially held at AMIS.


All of children at AMIS will celebrate their own birthday as a special anniversary in Montessori method. The family may bring fruit, birthday cake and healthy foods. Parents will help to prepare the celebration by sending pictures according to the age of children and filling in the Celebration of Life form.